The 880 cabinet design
A study of materials and shapes
The exterior design of the Aavik 880 amplifier is the result of Flemming Erik Rasmussen’s artistic and aesthetic work. However, his design philosophy is and always has been that design must serve purpose. The cabinet of the Aavik 880 amplifier was designed primarily with the goal of maintaining the best audio characteristics of the electrical design, i.e. the lowest inductance, reducing hysteresis to an absolute minimum, and ensuring excellent resonance control. In addition, since this was a Class A amplifier that was to be developed, there were some predefined premises for the design. With these goals in mind, the design process became a study of shapes and materials that opened up a unique and constructive synergy between Flemming Erik Rasmussen and Michael Børresen.
In addition, the amplifier features cooling elements on the sides and top that clearly bear Flemming’s design signature. The outer part of the volume button is covered with titanium, and the control panel is designed as a large LCD touchscreen display.
The choice of materials, as well as the interior and exterior design, are the result of Fleming and Michael’s collaboration and are characterized by functionality, but also by a very aesthetic and elegant design.