Ansuz / Ethernet Distribution

PowerSwitch A2

Spacious presentation of a pristine sound

The Ansuz PowerSwitch A2 is equipped with other Ansuz technologies that significantly amplify the music signal and add more energy to the music, which is presented on an expanded and holistic soundstage.

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Technologies and Components

Clean streaming signal.
The Ansuz PowerSwitch has been designed with the aim of delivering a very clean streaming signal to the hi-fi system. To achieve this, Ansuz employs its most advanced and truly groundbreaking audio technologies of noise reduction and resonance control. Ansuz audio technologies ensure that virtually no noise is transmitted from the PowerSwitch to the audio components.



Active cable Tesla coils



Active cable Tesla coils



Analog dither circuitry

Natural-based composite cabinet material

The cabinet design is an important Ansuz characteristic and is design to eliminates sonic distortion. The disturbing sonic influence, which emanates from the material the cabinet is made of – mostly aluminium – results from its mechanical resonance. To eliminate this sonic distortion, the challenge was to minimize the use of aluminium in the cabinet. Ansuz’s sister company Aavik began testing various materials and designed an innovative natural-based composite material, which reduces the mechanical influence, particularly the hysteresis. The sonic result is distinctly audible and reflects a further prominent cornerstone in Ansuz’s quest for the ultimate music experience.

The Tesla coil principle

The key operating principle of the Ansuz Tesla coil is to have two coils wound in opposite directions – one coil and one counter coil. In Ansuz words, this is called “A double inverted coil”. The two coils both carry voltage, and when one of the Tesla coils encounters a voltage spike, a counter spike is activated to eliminate the noise. Since noise spikes are pure voltage carrying virtually no charge, the cancelation is quite good, but not perfect. Adding more Tesla coils in parallel, increases the noise cancellation and the perceived blackness in the music increases significantly along with the purity and clarity of the sound. Ansuz uses various types of Tesla coils, as their individual properties ideally complement and reinforce each other.

Active cable Tesla coil

Active anti aerial protection.
The active cable Tesla coil is wound directly on the outer part of the cable and protects the signal from absorbing the airborne RF noise. This noise is absorbed in the Tesla coil. The active version is about three to four times more efficient than the Passive cable Tesla coil.

Active square Tesla coil

Embedded efficiency.
The active square Tesla coils are embedded in our printed circuit boards – a coil on the top and the counter coil on the back. The principle is exactly the same as the active Tesla coil and thus has a greater ability to eliminate noise than the passive Tesla coils.

Analog Dither technology

Musical information from the depth.
Analog dither technology originated in radar, where it ensured a stronger signal and thus greater range. Ansuz adopted this technology. Their active Tesla coils send pulsating signals at precisely defined frequencies. These signals are sent in anti-phase. This significantly amplifies the musical signal and eliminates the background noise floor.

Built in Ansuz PowerBox

Ansuz PowerSwitch features the Line/Digital section from the Ansuz Powerbox. This section transfers and adds even more noise cancelled signal from the Ansuz PowerBox to the more advanced series of Ansuz cables. 

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  • Ansuz PowerSwitch A2 / Ethernet Distribution

    Ansuz PowerSwitch A2 (Part1)

    Wolfgang Kemp, HiFi Statement

  • Ansuz PowerSwitch A2 / Ethernet Distribution

    Ansuz PowerSwitch A2 (Part2)

    Wolfgang Kemp, HiFi Statement

  • Ansuz PowerSwitch A2 / Ethernet Distribution

    Ansuz PowerSwitch A2, Digitalz, Mainz

    Jason Kennedy, The Ear

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Dimensions: 262x378x69 mm
10,31×14,88×2,72 Inches
Weight: 3,8 kg
8,4 lb
Input: IEC C14 230/110 V
Output: LAN

More about the speaker


PowerSwitch Technology Table

Active square Tesla coils

Dither Circuitry

Active cabel Tesla coil

Anti aerial resonance …

Active Tesla coil

Ansuz PowerSwitch X-TC / Ethernet Distribution

Active square Tesla coils


Dither Circuitry


Active cabel Tesla coil

Anti aerial resonance Tesla coil

Active Tesla coil

Ansuz PowerSwitch A2 / Ethernet Distribution

Active square Tesla coils


Dither Circuitry


Active cabel Tesla coil


Anti aerial resonance Tesla coil

Active Tesla coil

Ansuz PowerSwitch D2 / Ethernet Distribution

Active square Tesla coils


Dither Circuitry


Active cabel Tesla coil


Anti aerial resonance Tesla coil


Active Tesla coil

Ansuz PowerSwitch D-TC Supreme / Ethernet Distribution

Active square Tesla coils


Dither Circuitry


Active cabel Tesla coil


Anti aerial resonance Tesla coil


Active Tesla coil


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